
Henderson SDA
26 Corban Avenue, Henderson, Auckland 0612
Phone: 09 837 3992

Monday, 11 December 2023

The following items need to be picked up, and brought to the filming location.

  • 2 cameras
  • Microphone (lapel from Herbert?)
  • Switch
  • Church laptop
  • SD cards
  • Power cords

Tuesday, 12 December 2023

Time Speaker Sermon Title Camera (front / side) Switch
8 am Setup
9 am Clayton TBA Rishaab / Abishai Neetheam
10 am Trent Christ the stumbling Rock Rishaab / Abishai Neetheam
11 am Clayton TBA Rishaab / Abishai Neetheam
12 pm Lunch (*)
1 pm Trent Tomb Raider Rishaab / Abishai Neetheam
2 pm Clayton TBA Rishaab / Abishai Neetheam
3 pm Trent Straw no more Rishaab / Abishai Neetheam
4 pm Tidy up

* Lunch provided by Mary

Wednesday, 13 December 2023

Time Speaker Sermon Title Camera (front / side) Switch
8 am Setup
9 am Clayton TBA Rishaab / Abishai Neetheam
10 am Trent TBA Rishaab / Abishai Neetheam
11 am Clayton TBA Rishaab / Abishai Neetheam
12 pm Lunch (*)
1 pm Trent TBA Rishaab / Abishai Neetheam
2 pm Clayton TBA Rishaab / Abishai Neetheam
3 pm Trent TBA Rishaab / Abishai Neetheam
4 pm Tidy up

* Lunch provided by Mary

Thursday, 14 December 2023

For “emergencies”. Hopefully we won’t need this day, but please keep this as a backup day.

Rishaab and Abishai will not be available this day, so we have to try this with fewer people.

Random Thoughts

  • Sermons are 30 minutes long
  • Camera height must be horizontal with the speaker (eye height), not at an angle.
  • There are two cameras, one in front of the speaker, the other at a side angle. If your name is mentioned first, you are recording the front. If your name is mentioned second, you are recording from the side. (You can switch if you want to)
  • Record the audio with an iPhone on the pulpit, as a “just in case”.
  • Make a “do not disturb” sign for on the door somewhere
  • It is the speaker that determines the start time. Ideally within 15 minutes from the official start time
  • Ideally we won’t have to come back on Wednesday, but please keep yourself available “just in case”. 😉
  • Have we got enough SD cards to record all of this?
  • The speakers will be very busy, so please help them out as much as possible
  • Who will bring the equipment?
  • Do we need an audience?
  • Arielle is helping out with the cameras (to coordinate)
  • Do we need someone to help with time keeping

God bless guys, if we all do our best then this will be awesome. 😉